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Health Sciences - Evidence Based Research Guide: Home

This guide provide information about conducting evidence-based research in the health sciences.

Getting Started


medical symbolUse the navigation tabs to walk through each step of conducting evidence-based research in the health sciences. Keep in mind that research is rarely a linear process. You may need to move back and forth between these steps throughout the process. If you have any questions while you work through your research assignment, ways you can obtain assistance are listed below. 

Contact the Library

Contact the Library


Telephone: 315-498-2334

Visit us in person during the library's open hours, email us a question, or use the Ask A Librarian form to send us a question and receive a reply within two business days. 

OCC Faculty can contact the Library to arrange library instruction sessions for their specific classes.

Research Help

Ask A Librarian!

Librarians can help you with all your research assignments. With their assistance, you can:

  • Develop better information literacy skills, select and narrow a research topic, find and evaluate appropriate resources, understand and use proper citation formats, and much more.
  • Search the catalog to more effectively retrieve a manageable list of results.
  • Navigate the library's print and electronic database collections to find just what you need (such as peer-reviewed articles and primary sources) to successfully complete your assignments.
  • Set up an interlibrary loan account if you would like to borrow materials from other libraries.

Best Bets

Writing Help

The OCC Learning Center, Gordon Student Center Suite 202, provides students flexible access to tutoring and learning support through a variety of tutoring options, including:

  • Embedded tutoring
  • Course specific tutoring
  • Study skills tutoring
  • Writing skills tutoring
  • Workshops and study group

To see when tutors are available for walk-in hours, participate in online tutoring or schedule a tutoring appointment, register online . 



Coulter Library, Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY