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Health Sciences - Evidence Based Research Guide: Develop a Research Question

This guide provide information about conducting evidence-based research in the health sciences.

Develop a Research Question

Define your topic as a focused research question. This research question helps you stay focused while researching your topic and gathering relevant resources. Your research question also tells your readers what your paper will be about.

  • Initial idea/topic - Smoke Exposure
  • Research Question - Is smoke exposure harmful? 
  • Focused Research Question - How does smoke exposure alter the developmental abilities of children?

***Try this Search Strategy Generator from the University of Michigan to help develop a topic!***

NOTE: You may develop strong views while/after doing your research. You can always change your research question at any point during the research process. Check with your professor to see what s/he expects regarding a research question.

Coulter Library, Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY