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COM 282: Intercultural Communication: Home

This guide supports research for COM282: Intercultural Communication through offering resources focused on international cultures and cultural studies, along with communication studies.

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Welcome to COM 282: Intercultural Communication Library Guide! In this collection of resources, you’ll find sources to help you with your major assignments for the semester, along with connected content if you want to further engage with the ideas from the course.

This guide is organized by tabs, categorizing resources so streamline your research process.

Academic Journals & Articles

This section features an annotated list of the electronic databases used most frequently for communication topics. These databases will provide you with access to articles appearing in scholarly, peer reviewed journals as well as items published in popular sources such as news magazines, newspapers, and trade publications.

Books & eBooks

This tab highlights books in Coulter Library's collection, both physical and electronic, that you might find useful for further investigation to Intercultural Communication topics.

Audio/Visual Media

The library also has access to electronic media! This section features other forms of media beyond books and articles connected to communication studies.


This page provides links to reputable collections and websites related to the study of communication and cultures.

Library Research Guide

This section links to more help on the research process as a whole, from picking a topic to creating citations.

Librarian Liaison

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Michelle Malinovsky
Coulter Library
Office: C340EB
Onondaga Community College

Coulter Library, Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY