This guide is intended to offer a selection of resources connected to the Enduring Questions, linking these questions to Enduring Texts. Each section of the guide offers a short summary of the Enduring Text and links to access the text. Many of the texts are accessible online but some are available in Coulter Library’s physical collection.
Some texts appear on multiple pages, as the themes connect to multiple questions. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but instead a starting point for anyone interested in the Enduring Questions and the Enduring Texts.
Texts with this symbol exemplify Growth Mindset through narrative and link to the Growth Mindset page guide
Texts with this symbol are Non-Western Texts and link to the Non-Western Texts page guide
Texts with this symbol connect to Civic Engagement and link to the Civic Engagement page guide
The Enduring Questions encourage students to think deeply about the kinds of questions humans have always asked about themselves and the world:
Coulter Library, Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY